Community Links
Super Neighborhood
The Briarhills POA is part of Houston's West Oaks/Eldridge Super Neighborhood #17 (SN17).  Board meetings are open to the public and are usually held on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 pm at Eagle's Trace.  Click here to read the latest newsletter or visit SN17 website for more information.
Energy Corridor District
Visit the energy corridor website for the latest information on events and developments in the energy corridor district.
City Council District G: 
City of Houston: 
Receive City of Houston Neighborhood updates by phone. Click here for more information.
Briarhills Landscape Committee
        The landscape committee is a committee of volunteer gardeners that work on community gardening projects around the clubhouse. To join the committee and learn more about how to become involved with future projects, please email John Nguyen for more information.
Briarhills Playground Committee
        The playground committee is working towards raising funds for new playground equipment. Volunteers are needed to help coordinate various fundraising events throughout the year. To join the playground group, please email the Playground Committee for more information.
Briarhills Tennis Committee
          The tennis committee consisting of volunteer neighbors will plan and organize fundraising events and coordinate tennis related volunteer projects. Some of the committee’s goals are to raise funds for installing an additional light on the west court, replacing backboards, resurfacing the tennis courts and more. If you love tennis and want to be a part of this fun group, please email Constantin Platon for more information. 
Briarhills Social Committee
           The social committee will create neighborhood social events such as game nights, movie nights, and more. If you are interested in helping this committee with events or if you have some fun ideas, please email Lissa Wolfe for more information.